mrs butler unique switchplates 

Solves Problems:

Problem #1)   I have an orange Tuscan Dining Room. My walls, my drapes, my dining room seats are reds & oranges... With 2 white switchplates!!!  mrs butler, please help.

Solving Problem #1)  Besides having several Tuscan Designs that I recommend... Go to our Pattern Shop - & search for the following #'s:

0195x -Tuscan Patchwork

1167x - Village in Tuscany

1168x - Tuscan Fields

1169x - Bridge in Tuscany

1610x - Tuscan Series - Green

1611 x - Tuscan Series - Red/Tan

1612x - Tuscan Series - Red

1613x - Tuscan Series - Beige

1620x - Tuscan Series - Orange

Besides your Tuscan Theme, there are dozens of unique switchplates that may interest you. Happy Hunting.

Problem #2)  I'm invited to a friend's baby shower & I'd like to give her a gift that's for a boy or girl. I want this gift to be unique. Help me please, mrs butler.

Solution for Problem #2)  A unique gift would be switchplates that have suns, moons & stars, designs that have children, cow jumps over the moon, etc. If you know the colors of the baby's room, even better. Go to our pattern site ( -

& search for:

0124a & 0124b - Sleepy Moons

0126a & 0126b -  Cow Jumps over the Moon

0141x - Yellow Wishes

0144x - Art Nouveau William Morris Tiny Little Flowers

0167x - Glorious Pathways

0201a & 0201b - Little Dutch Girl

0205a - Victorian Little Boy & Dog

We have dogs, cats, elephants, owl, bears, fairies... and more

The color of switchplates may be changed or tinted another color for a small Custom Fee.

mrs butler will continue solving more problems shortly.